
Want to feel ‘part of the show’?

We always need a few extra pairs of hands at our Street Opera performances helping out our Stage Management – giving out flyers, moving the musicians’ music stands and keeping an eye on audiences’ safety crossing roads. It’s a fab way to be part of an exciting local community event and great fun! But don’t just take our word for it – ask Kathie, who’s helped us out at our productions over the last few years and comes back each time!

– Why do you like helping out at a Baseless Fabric Street Opera production?

Here’s Kathie keeping a beady eye on our musicians after a performance!

It is very exciting to see the enthusiasm of talented singers and musicians bring a traditional Opera to life with a very modern twist. With live street performances in the Merton/Wandsworth areas, as a volunteer for some time I really feel part of the ‘show’ too. For anyone that isn’t famiiar with Opera you cant help being bewitched by the modern approach both in the interpretation and in the music. So check the dates to watch Carmen or even offer to help! I might see you on 21st Aug in Wimbledon Village while you are shopping or having a drink in a pub garden. Enjoy!

– Do you have a favourite opera? 
Have always enjoyed the Group’s but have seen The Marriage of Figaro which I loved.
– Do you have a favourite local area or business to go into in Merton/Wandsworth? 
A few local spots Al Forno Restaurant and you can’t beat Cannizaro Park area and sitting outside with a nice glass!

So come join Kathie & our team for a sneak peek into our rehearsals, a helping hand at a performance and probably a nice glass of something after the show!

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