
Do you like performing?

We are thrilled to be running some drama workshops at Mitcham Library, Merton Arts Space during the Easter holidays. We have some brilliant professional practitioners running these workshops, so if you are aged 12-16 sign up now!

CLICK to check out our brilliant workshop leaders!


Aged 12-16?

Interested in Beatboxing, Stage Combat, Puppetry, Theatre Design?



Mitcham Library Arts Space
 Mitcham Library, 157 London Road, Mitcham, CR4 2YR


BEATBOXING – Mon 15th April
STAGE COMBAT – Tues 16th April
PUPPETRY – Wed 17th April
THEATRE DESIGN – Thurs 18th April

Times: 10.30am until 3.30pm


Check out our post about our amazing workshop leaders.


You can sign up for any number of workshops you wish – 1 day or all 4 days.
Numbers are limited so SIGN UP SOON!


Funded By

  • Our brilliant workshop leaders for our FREE workshops!

    We’re thrilled to have these brilliantly talented professional practitioners sharing their skills with young people in Mitcham Library in our FREE ...
  • Do you like performing?

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